A Brief History of St. Patrick’s Society of Montreal
The Irish were in Canada from the earliest times. Some Irish came to Canada in the service of the kings of France. Although many changed or disguised their names, the War Office in Paris lists over 400,000 Irishmen who served in the armies of France
Some of these “Wild Geese”
After 1763, Irish members of the British army who served in Canada often followed the lead of their French army predecessors and settled in the colony. The first recorded St. Patrick’s celebrations in Montreal were held by the various British regiments garrisoned in the city and were organized by
By the first third of the nineteenth century, realizing the rapid growth of the Irish population of Montreal and their ethnological and cultural importance, a group of Irish-Catholic and Irish-Protestant citizens of Montreal decided, after mutual consideration and much deliberation, that it was incumbent upon them to form an organization which would be indicative of their value to the community and to maintain their ancient traditions. From these discussions, the society
The Society was in no way a political organization, but was largely charitable and national in purpose, and was principally social and educational. The Society was also non-sectarian. The first President was John Donnellan, a prominent Montreal citizen.
The founding of the Society was closely followed by the establishment of the St. Jean Baptiste Society in June 1834, the St. Andrew’s Society in February 1835, the German Society on April 21, 1835, the St. George’s Society on April 27, 1835 and later the St. David’s Society and the Caledonian Society. The beautiful spirit of friendliness and cooperation among the so-called Sister Societies since their inception has been notable and has persisted throughout the years. The national qualities and purposes of the various bodies were commented upon by the Honourable Peter McGill, the first English-speaking Mayor of Montreal, at a dinner given by St. Patrick’s Society on the evening of March 17, 1836.
The headquarters of the Society previous to the erection of St. Patrick’s Hall in 1865 was the Albion Hotel on McGill Street, and at other times in the old St. Lawrence Hall. Later, when St. Patrick’s Hall was completed, the Society formally took over these premises, which occupied the site bounded on the north by Craig Street on the west by Victoria Square and on the south by Fortification Lane.
It was a matter of great regret that some of the minutes of the Society from its inception appear to have been destroyed by the fire that destroyed St. Patrick’s Hall in September 1872. These annals would undoubtedly have proven to be of great historical value. Hence, no comment can be made as to the attitude taken by the Society during the fateful rebellion years of 1837 and their aftermath, culminating in the burning of the Parliament Building in Montreal in 1849, which were then located in the vicinity of Youville Square just to the east of McGill Street.
Again, in spite of the absence of the written record to indicate the specific activities of the Society, it is a matter of pride that the Society took a prominent part in endeavouring to alleviate the suffering of the Irish immigrants who flocked to Canada in the thousands in an effort to escape the ravages of a famine-infested land from 1846 to 1848. They came hoping to find new homes in North America, with many only to find death in one of its many forms, including the fearful typhus plague (which was also referred to as ship fever), which resulted from starvation and overcrowded ships, coupled with the length of the voyage. These unfortunates, in a dying condition, were housed in rude immigrant sheds located near Point St. Charles, and despite all efforts on the part of all concerned, thousands perished. Even the Mayor of Montreal, John Mills, and many of the clergy and religious sisters who worked indefatigably day and night fell victims to the dread scourge. The immigrants who perished found their last resting place in a hastily constructed cemetery located close to what is now the Victoria Bridge. A small portion of this cemetery remains to this day, which bears thereon a huge monolith taken from the bed of the St. Lawrence River. Thanks to the contractors and the
The Society continued as non-sectarian until the year 1856, under the able presidency of such men as John Donnellan, Benjamin Holmes, the Honourable Francis Hincks, Bernard Devlin, W.F. Batley, Thomas Ryan and many others. Due to rising sectarian differences among members of the Society, the non-Catholic members were encouraged to establish their own society. This separation was largely the work of Reverend Patrick Dowd. As a result, the Catholic members retained the old name of the Society, and the non-Catholic members assumed the name “Irish Protestant Benevolent Society”. Among those who vigorously opposed the separation was Sir William Hingston, a prominent surgeon and later, the Mayor of Montreal, who tendered his resignation from the Society as a gesture against what he termed the uncalled for
One of the most illustrious members of the Society was the Honourable Thomas D’Arcy McGee, the poet, newspaper editor and Member of Parliament for Montreal West, whose great eloquence played a crucial role in the formation of the Dominion of Canada. Despite his fame and position, he was expelled from the Society in 1868 as a result of his strong condemnation of the Fenian movement, because the Society had by then been taken over by a majority of Fenian members or sympathizers. Shortly after his expulsion from the Society, McGee was assassinated in Ottawa on April 7, 1868. Perhaps somewhat hypocritically, the Society forwarded a letter of condolence to his family expressing their abhorrence of the crime and arranged for his burial in Notre Dame des Neiges Cemetery on Mount Royal. His tomb has ever since been looked after by St. Patrick’s Society.
On June 19, 2012, at the annual meeting of the members of St. Patrick’s Society of Montreal, a special debate took place regarding the possible posthumous reinstatement of Thomas D’Arcy McGee as a member of the Society. After a lively and informative debate between McGee biographer David A. Wilson, who argued for reinstatement, and Society historian J. Peter Shea, who argued against reinstatement, the numerous members of the Society in attendance at such meeting voted overwhelmingly in favour of McGee’s posthumous reinstatement as a member, approximately 144 years after his expulsion from the Society
The Society played no small part in the matter of scholarships, child welfare, Irish Home Rule and other kindred matters. It would be impossible to describe in this brief history all the events to which the Society lent its interest during its existence, such as the building of St. Patrick’s Church (now Basilica), the formal opening of Notre Dame des Neiges Cemetery, the Golden and Diamond Jubilee of St. Patrick’s Church, St. Patrick’s Orphanage, Father Dowd’s Home and St. Mary’s Hospital, to name but a few
The Society was originally responsible for maintaining the annual St. Patrick’s Day Parade, which was held under its auspices from 1834 to 1916. The event was discontinued in 1917 owing to war
At the dinner celebrating the centennial of St. Patrick’s Society in 1934 at the Windsor Hotel, many distinguished Canadians were seen at the Head Table, including the Right Honourable R.B. Bennett (Prime Minister of Canada), the Honourable Angus MacDonald (Premier of Nova Scotia), Bishop E.A. Deschamps, Sir Edward Beatty (President of the Canadian Pacific Railway), Lord Shaughnessy, Lieutenant Colonel Harry Trihey, Q.C., Colonel John A. Sullivan, Q.C., Colonel William O’Brien, John T. Hackett (later the Senator), Mr. Justice F.J. Curran, Fernand Rinfret (Mayor of Montreal), members of Federal and Provincial Cabinets past and present and many other prominent attendees. All speakers at the dinner paid tribute not only to
Of the six Irish mayors of Montreal in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries – William Workman, Francis Cassidy, K.C., Sir William Hingston, James McShane, Richard Wilson-Smith and the Honourable James J. Guerin – all were members of St. Patrick’s Society of
Perhaps, as a result of the worldwide exposure for Montreal and Canada generated by Expo 67 and the celebrations surrounding Canada’s centennial, there was a new ripple of Irish immigration to Canada and Montreal in the late 1970s and 1980s. The Society and the Montreal Irish community were the beneficiaries of the contributions of this new generation of arrivals, who have contributed greatly to the preservation and enjoyment of Irish culture and tradition in Montreal. The Society’s newsletter, Nuacht, was largely the product of the 1970s- and 1980s-era immigrants. This period also saw the renewal of interest in things Irish, such as Irish traditional music, the Irish language, Irish dance, Irish theatre, Irish sports and Irish cinema. The Society took a leading role in promoting and financially supporting these cultural
Edited and revised by Society Historian J. Peter Shea in 2015